Our custom made Notre Dame de la Bonne Garde (Our Lady of Protection) medal, a given to Marie Julie Jahenny. Prayers are in the original French.
Gorgeous steel medal with antiqued gunmetal finish. 20mm (3/4") size - new smaller size!
This medal has not been blessed.
Revealed to Marie-Julie Jahenny (August 16, 1880).
“My children,” repeated the Holy Virgin, “With all the goodness of my heart and will all my tenderness I tell again to the father and mothers and families that it would be very good, and at the same time it would be a great grace, to have children wear, small and big (i.e. children or young adults), wear a medal, (...) big or large, as they like. This medal should bear these words:
“Oh you, Holy Virgin, who has crushed the head of the serpent, guard our Faith and the innocence of our little children.”
The Holy Virgin wore the medal on her heart, it was round and white. "It is not necessary," she said, "for it to be expensive," (i.e., of valuable metal like gold or silver), "its efficacy will be the same."
Our Lady: "This will be to guard innocence, in the difficult times, when the pestilence of corruption will spread everywhere. Every Christian can take it to arm themselves, as a defence and as a weapon of Faith that will conquer sinful living and the treachery of evil."